Subscribe WhatsApp Webhook with ExpertEase AI
This page contains the information on how to configure the Webhook for WhatsApp account
This page contains the information on how to configure the Webhook for WhatsApp account
This document will guide you through the step-by-step process of subscribing to a webhook for your WhatsApp account on the Meta dashboard. By following these instructions, you can receive messages and notifications via the webhook.
A modal appears. This modal requires access token and Phone Number Id.
You copied the access token while creating System User, paste that token here. If you did not copy or have lost the access token , you can generate a new one by following described at following page:
Open your web browser and navigate to the Meta Developer Dashboard.
Log in to your developer account using your credentials.
Open "API Setup" under WhatsApp in Dashboard Sidebar
Copy Phone Number Id and paste it in inputs of modal that appeared in Step 3
Copy the Webhook URL
Copy the Verify Token
Open "Configuration" under WhatsApp in Dashboard Sidebar of Facebook Developer Account.
Click edit in webhook section
Paste the Callback URL and Verify Token copied in previous step.
Click on Verify and Save
Congratulations, your webhook is configured and your bot is integrated with phone number you added in the app you created in Facebook Developer Account.
For further queries, please contact support of ExpertEase AI.