Live Preview
This section provides detailed information on how to view and use the Live Preview for your chatbot.
Last updated
This section provides detailed information on how to view and use the Live Preview for your chatbot.
Last updated
This is a step-by-step guide to view and use the Live Preview of your chatbot.
Go to Bots page from the sidebar. Click on the Live Preview button of the bot you want. The Live Preview page will open in a new tab.
Type the message in the input field at the button.
Press enter or click on the Send button to send the message.
Wait for the chatbot's response.
Chatbot's reply will appear on the left side.
The Extra Layer checkbox is at the top left of the preview page in the mobile version.
You can add extra layer or remove it by checking the checkbox, or unchecking it.
If you have selected a language other than English for your chatbot, checking the Extra Layer checkbox will improve the quality and accuracy of the response of the chatbot in that language.
If "Multilingual" is enabled for the chatbot, the Language field will appear on top next to the Extra Layer checkbox.
Click on the language, a dropdown with available options will appear.
Select the Language in which you want to chat with the chatbot.
The Language of the chatbot will be updated.
If voice responsive is enabled for the chatbot, the Enable Voice and Disable Voice will appear on the top right of the live preview.
Click on the Enable Voice button to enable voice for chatbot. If it is enabled, the chatbot will read the response for you.
While chatbot is reading the response, a Stop Playing button will appear. Clicking on the button will stop the voice.
Click on the Disable Voice button to disable voice for chatbot.