Bot Installation FAQs
This section contains the FAQs related to the installation of various type of bot
How to install website bot using java script.
Copy the script tag from the ExpertEase AI app
Go to your website's HTML code
Paste the script in the head or body tag of your HTML code
Please Note
Ensure that you paste the script before the tag is closed, i.e., paste the script before
.Make sure ExpertEase should be the last script to execute, as some scripts may override the ExpertEase script.
What is the minimum browser version requirement for the ExpertEase website bot?
ExpertEase AI's Web Bot is a JS-based software. Hence your browser must support the Java Script. The minimum requirement for some renowned browsers are as follows:
Google Chrome: Version 51 or above
Edge: Version 14 or above
Safar: Version 10 or above
Firefox: Version 52 or above
How to resolve the latency issues on my website when I have a chatbot installed?
We understand the criticality of website speed and responsiveness. Adding a trigger delay only delays the chatbot from opening, but the script of the chatbot is loaded at the same time as the page, which can delay the overall page loading and create latency issues. This happens because of the vast processes that allow chatbots to run smoothly. However, this problem can be solved.
In the document ready function, create a timeout function of 3sec. In that timeout function, create a script element with the details of the script shared while installing the chatbot.
const scriptEle = document.createElement("script");
scriptEle.src = ('src', 'link to your ExpertEase AI Bot');
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState == "complete") {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);