Create New Bot
We are so happy to have you!
Last updated
We are so happy to have you!
Last updated
You can start creating a new bot either by clicking Create New Bot at the top of side-panel or you can visit Bots page and click on Create New Bot button at the top right side of page.
After clicking , a new page will appear that will have:
Bot Name
Input Language e.g. English, Spanish, Japanese, etc.
Option to have your bot know multiple languages
Option to have your bot voice capabilities
Option to choose built-in/enhanced personality of bot or to create a new personality
Option to tune your bot to behave it as you want
After you are done with filling up information , you will click on Next Button at lower right side of page.
Upload icon/bot avatar by clicking on the upload button
Select Colour Scheme for your Bot's Chat UI
Once you have selected an appropriate colour scheme for your bot click Submit and you will see the page in below.
Now you can click Data Center, and you will land at the most important part of Bot Creation process. Please check this link:
Data CentreYou may also notice this section "Install your bot", which is to install your bot and insert it on your website, for more information about this, please see the the below link.
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